Terms and Conditions


These terms and conditions govern your use of this website and Application; by using the website and application, you completely accept these terms and conditions. If you disagree with these terms and conditions or any part of these terms and conditions, you must not use the website and application.


The website www.beatthediabetes.org and mobile application is owned and operated by BEAT THE DIABETES clinic. All the rights of the said website and application are owned and reserved by the owner.

Services Offered

This website and application is the online based service provider, particularly regarding Reversing Diabetes and Weight loss.

User Permission

The user of the this website and application is reserved by the owner and has right to refuse anytime from accessing or registering on the said website without assigning any reason thereof. Acceptance of the Terms and conditions is mandatory for accessing of the said website and application.

Acceptable use

The use of this website and application will be prohibited in any way that causes, or may cause, damage to the website and application or impairment of accessibility of the website and application; or in other anyway which is unlawful, illegal, fraudulent or harmful, or in connection with any unlawful or activity. The information shared on this website and application is not for medical legal purposes.

You must not use this website and application to copy, store, host, transmit, send, use, publish or distribute any material which consists of (or is linked to) any spyware, computer virus, or other malicious computer software.

You must not conduct any systematic or automated data collection activities in relation to this website and application without BEAT THE DIABETES express written consent.

Rules of Conduct

This website and application is used only for the program for the Beat the diabetes. Hence the use of the this website and applictaion for other than that purpose is strictly prohibited, you have also agree and undertake that while using the services of this website and application you will not-

  • 1. Violate orbreach any term or / and condition mentioned in this Terms and conditions or agreement;

  • 2. We being the owner of the this website and application has reserved every right to refuse, terminate any of our services and / or cancel orders at our discretion.

Warranty and Representations

The user declares,warrants, represents and guarantees that he/she is over the age of 18 and are lawfully able to accept these Site Terms and has disclosed the true and correct information about him/her. If he/ she is using this website and application on behalf of any entity, Then he /she is authorized to accept this website and application terms and condition on entity behalf. such entity agrees to compensate owner for violations of these Site Terms and he/her has authorised to avail the services of this website and application and all the e-commerce transaction has been done by him/her through his/her own or authorised sources.


Nothing in this website and application disclaimer will exclude or limit BEAT THE DIABETES liability in respect of any:

  • • death or personal injury caused by BEAT THE DIABETES negligence;

  • • fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation on the part of BEAT THE DIABETES ; or

Breaches of these terms and conditions

If you breach these terms and conditions in any way, BTD may take action to deal with breach, including suspending your access to the website, prohibiting you from accessing the website and application.


BEAT THE DIABETES may revise these terms and conditions from time-to-time. Revised terms and conditions will apply to the use of the website and application from the date of the publication of the revised terms and conditions on this website and application.


The owner is an online Service Provider within the meaning of Information Technology Act, 2000 as amended time to time. Thus owner of BTD will not be held responsible for any third party information, unauthorised use, usage, and access or done by any user, and /or access of the web site with the contravention of the Terms and conditions of this website. In no event shall owner be liable for any direct, indirect consequential damages or any other damages resulting from:

  • (a) the use or theincapacity to use the Services or products;

  • (b) unauthorised access or alteration of the user's transmissions or data;

  • (c) any other matter relating to BTD services; including, but without limitation, damages for loss of use, data or profits, arising out of or in any way connected with the use or performance of the Website and application or Service, Neither shall owner be responsible for the delay or incapacity to use the Website and Application or related services, the provision of or failure to provide Services, or for any information, software, products, services and related graphics obtained through the Website and application, or otherwise arising out of the use of the website and application, whether based on contract, tort, negligence, strict liability or otherwise, further, owner shall not be held responsible for non-availability of the Website and application during daily maintenance operations or any unplannedsuspension of access to the website and application that may occur due to technical reasons or for any reason beyond owner’s control.


The prices of the products or services mentioned on the website and application are in Indian Rupees

  • • If you or owner terminates your use of the Website and application or any Service, owner may delete any content or other materials relating to your use of the Service and owner will have no liability to you or any third party for doing so.

  • • You shall be liable to pay for any Service or product that you have already ordered till the time of Termination by either party whatsoever.

Email Communications

BEAT THE DIABETES will communicate with you through the email ID you have specified. Your email address is never shared with anybody.

BEAT THE DIABETES uses this email address to send you two types of communications:

  • • Sending you occasional announcements about changes in BEAT THE DIABETES policies or announcement of new promotions or services.

  • • Sending details of transaction done by you on the website such as billing, payment Acknowledgment.

Our website and application collects information when you fill any form or register on our website and application. We use this information for:

  • Improving our website and Customising your experience on our website and application

  • Processing monetary transactions.

These terms and conditions are subject to the privacy policy, disclaimer online payment terms & conditions of the website and application